Thursday, June 9, 2011

A really cool micro-loft/bedroom hideout for kids (and adults?)

I just love this one....

 I especially dig its use (and repainting) of a simple wooden step ladder- which would work great in many tiny house and cabin applications (and these can be found at tag/yard sales all the time for close to nothing).

From AT....
Names: Wylder (2) & Arlo (3 months) Smith
Location: Clinton, Oklahoma
A few weeks back we had the pleasure of touring the home of Meridith and Jason Smith on Apartment Therapy. They've been busy with some serious renovating including their boys', Wylder and Arlo's, rooms and playspace. Let's just say there's already a waiting list of folks requesting to move in! Now, are you ready to see where that ladder goes?


-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

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