Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Nerd Fort for Star Trek, NASA, and Star Wars Fans....

This actually was a flight simulator, owned and built by N.A.S.A., that was up for auction a ways back, and something, as it was suggested in a few cases, that might make for an incredible fort for some really, really, wealthy and geeky kid (or more likely an adult). It ain't the Millenium Falcon, or the Starship Enterprise, but it would certainly be something all your nerdy friends would envy.

Derek "Deek" Diedricksen runs the blogs, and, Hosts "Tiny Yellow House" TV on youtube, teaches building workshops for The Tumbleweed Tiny House Company and is author of the bestselling tiny house, fort, cabin, treehouse, and cottage design book "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks" which you can check out by clicking HERE.

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