Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A fun, hokey, n' cheap (and I mean that in a good way!) treehouse/fort!


Man, I wish this was a higher-res photo, but as far as simple treehouses and treeforts go, this one just exudes fun and hokey charm. A fort like this could be built from recycled and free materials, and very affordably even if you had to purchase all the stock for it. Just be careful with trees as thin as the ones you see in the photo- the general rule of thumb is to choose trees at least 8" in diameter- I try to go by 10" in most cases though.

  Derek "Deek" Diedricksen runs the blog Relaxshacks.com, Hosts "Tiny Yellow House" TV on youtube, and is author of the tiny house, fort, cabin, treehouse, and cottage design book "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks" which you can check out by clicking HERE.

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